Publication type: Book part
Type of review: Editorial review
Title: Respondent's refusal to pay the advance on costs : the contractual and the procedural approach
Authors: Sieber, Philipp
Published in: Selected papers on international arbitration
Editors of the parent work: Favalli, Daniele
Favre-Bulle, Xavier
Furrer, Andreas
Girsberger, Daniel
Habegger, Philipp
Kilias, Laurent
Müller, Christoph
Patocchi, Paolo Michele
Weber-Stecher, Urs M.
Page(s): 41
Pages to: 72
Issue Date: 2011
Series: Series on international arbitration
Series volume: 1
Publisher / Ed. Institution: Stämpfli
Publisher / Ed. Institution: Bern
ISBN: 978-3-7272-1493-6
Language: English
Subject (DDC): 341: Law of nations and European law
Fulltext version: Published version
License (according to publishing contract): Licence according to publishing contract
Departement: School of Management and Law
Appears in collections:Publikationen School of Management and Law

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Sieber, P. (2011). Respondent’s refusal to pay the advance on costs : the contractual and the procedural approach. In D. Favalli, X. Favre-Bulle, A. Furrer, D. Girsberger, P. Habegger, L. Kilias, C. Müller, P. M. Patocchi, & U. M. Weber-Stecher (Eds.), Selected papers on international arbitration (pp. 41–72). Stämpfli.
Sieber, P. (2011) ‘Respondent’s refusal to pay the advance on costs : the contractual and the procedural approach’, in D. Favalli et al. (eds) Selected papers on international arbitration. Bern: Stämpfli, pp. 41–72.
P. Sieber, “Respondent’s refusal to pay the advance on costs : the contractual and the procedural approach,” in Selected papers on international arbitration, D. Favalli, X. Favre-Bulle, A. Furrer, D. Girsberger, P. Habegger, L. Kilias, C. Müller, P. M. Patocchi, and U. M. Weber-Stecher, Eds. Bern: Stämpfli, 2011, pp. 41–72.
SIEBER, Philipp, 2011. Respondent’s refusal to pay the advance on costs : the contractual and the procedural approach. In: Daniele FAVALLI, Xavier FAVRE-BULLE, Andreas FURRER, Daniel GIRSBERGER, Philipp HABEGGER, Laurent KILIAS, Christoph MÜLLER, Paolo Michele PATOCCHI und Urs M. WEBER-STECHER (Hrsg.), Selected papers on international arbitration. Bern: Stämpfli. S. 41–72. ISBN 978-3-7272-1493-6
Sieber, Philipp. 2011. “Respondent’s Refusal to Pay the Advance on Costs : The Contractual and the Procedural Approach.” In Selected Papers on International Arbitration, edited by Daniele Favalli, Xavier Favre-Bulle, Andreas Furrer, Daniel Girsberger, Philipp Habegger, Laurent Kilias, Christoph Müller, Paolo Michele Patocchi, and Urs M. Weber-Stecher, 41–72. Bern: Stämpfli.
Sieber, Philipp. “Respondent’s Refusal to Pay the Advance on Costs : The Contractual and the Procedural Approach.” Selected Papers on International Arbitration, edited by Daniele Favalli et al., Stämpfli, 2011, pp. 41–72.

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