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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleInvolved Person(s)
2018Between regionalisation and centralisation : the implications of Russian education reforms for schooling in TatarstanMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
2024Biography, belonging and legacies of the Yugoslav disintegration wars in the lives of postmigrant youth in SwitzerlandMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
2018Creative cultural production and ethnocultural revitalization among minority groups in RussiaSuleymanova, Dilyara
25-May-2023«Da fehlt in der Geschichte etwas ...» : (Un)sichtbarkeit und Repräsentation im schulischen Raum aus postmigrantischer PerspektiveMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
2017Dschihadismus online : narrative Strategien, Herausforderungen für muslimische Organisationen und Stossrichtungen für PräventionsprojekteMüller, Dominik; Müller-Suleymanova, Dilyara; Eser Davolio, Miryam
2017Enacting the contested past : conflict narratives in educational spacesLaketa, Suncana; Müller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
2020Engaging with the country of origin and its past amongst second-generation youth of Bosnian descent in SwitzerlandMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
Oct-2019Engaging with the homeland and remembering the past among second generation Bosnians in SwitzerlandMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
Jan-2019Evaluation des UMA-Pilotprojektes : Befunde zur kindes- und altersgerechten Unterbringung und Betreuung von unbegleiteten minderjährigen Asylsuchenden in den Zentren des BundesMey, Eva; Keller, Samuel; Adili, Kushtrim; Bombach, Clara; Eser Davolio, Mirjam, et al
2022“I am something that no longer exists ...” : Yugonostalgia among diaspora youthMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
11-Sep-2020“I am something that no longer exists…” : longing for Yugoslavia among the youth of ex-Yugoslav descent in SwitzerlandMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
2018'I'm only half!' : schooling and strategies of belonging among adolescents from minority ethnic backgrounds in RussiaSuleymanova, Dilyara
Nov-2020Im Vakuum fällt auch das Sprechen schwer : Reflexionen zu empirischen Annäherungen an Sichtweisen minderjähriger Geflüchteter und Fachpersonen in BundesasylzentrenMey, Eva; Keller, Samuel; Bombach, Clara; Müller-Suleymanova, Dilyara, et al
29-Jul-2015Islam as moral education : madrasa courses and contestation of the secular in the Republic of Tatarstan, RussiaMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
2015Islamic education, youth and local religious revival in post-soviet Tatarstan, RussiaMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
Oct-2022Der lange Schatten des Krieges : Auswirkungen auf junge MenschenMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
2022Liebe Eltern, erzählt uns vom KriegMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
19-Mar-2021Memories of violence in the diaspora : transnational and intergenerational dimensionsMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara
2017Muslimische Organisationen in der Schweiz im Spannungsfeld der Debatte um religiös begründete RadikalisierungMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara; Müller, Dominik
3-Jun-2024Partizipation und Motivation von Kindern und Jugendlichen sich (politisch) zu engagierenMüller-Suleymanova, Dilyara; Pizzera, Michele